Top Quality


Oil Separators

Environmentally Friendly

About Us?

Oil Traps South Africa is the industry leader in manufacture and maintenance of pretreatment solutions, grease, fuel, oil, and solids. We pride ourselves in providing the most affordable and effective solutions for your waste water management problems.


All of our products are covered by a 2 year manufacturing warranty excluding lids and clips.

Worldwide Shipping

All of Oil Traps South Africa's products are available to any organisation, anywhere in the world.


All Oil Traps South Africa products are manufactured to industry standards.

Our Products

Oil Traps South Africa offers a range of products to fit your needs. Custom sized oil traps can be designed to suit any application.


Oil Traps Maintenance Services

Oil Traps South Africa is one of the most reliable maintenance service providers in South Africa. Offering high volume vacuum sucking of all size oil traps and sand traps, ensuring that the environment is safe and free of contamination.

Services rendered include:

  • High pressure jet cleaning of all drainage lines
  • Repairing of pipe lines
  • High Pressure jet cleaning of oil spills
  • Safe disposal of used oils
  • Land oil treatment spills
  • Dosing pump supply and installation
  • Effluent discharge testing
  • Cleaning/Disposal certification
Oil Traps Installation Service

Oil Traps South Africa installs all sizes of oil traps for a variety of industries. Our installation team is equipped to ensure that each installation receives the best possible work. Each client receives a certificate of compliance with local government regulation standards.

These include:

  • Car wash bays
  • Panel beaters
  • Local motors
  • Car dealerships


Eugene Labuschagne

+27 11 025 6770

+27 61 499 0606

Kwa-Zulu Natal

Wernich Louw

+31 569 4135

+27 82 657 7611

Western Cape

Jacobus Tromp

+27 21 827 8955

+27 65 913 0595


Sean Holland

+27 73 536 1993